Why Isn’t Your Lash Prep Working?

If you’re reading this, you probably already do something before putting on lash extensions. And you know it’s not just about sticking on lashes, but also about what you did before. Making lashes look perfect doesn’t start when you stick them on—it starts way before that, with a careful process. But if you’re doing your best and still not keeping those lashes on, it might be time to rethink what you’re doing before. That’s why we’re here! We’ll talk about the usual mistakes people make before putting on lashes and how to make sure what you do before is as good as your love for your clients’ lashes.

Understanding Pretreatment

Before we get into why your lash prep might not be working, let’s first understand what prepping actually means. This is a series of steps designed to prepare your natural eyelashes for eyelash extensions. The process involves five main steps: applying lash shampoo, protein-removing cleansing pads, cleanser, primer, and a hold-speed booster. What is the purpose? Creates a clean, oil-free surface that enhances lash retention.

If your lash prep isn’t doing the trick, here’s why…

1. Forgetting Something Important

One of the biggest mistakes in lash preparation is forgetting to use lash shampoo. This isn’t just any soap—it’s specifically formulated for the delicate task of cleansing lashes. The lash shampoo effectively removes makeup residue, oils, and dirt, ensuring a thorough cleaning without causing harm to the lashes or the sensitive skin around the eyes.

By skipping the use of lash shampoo in your lash prep routine, you’re potentially setting your clients up for issues with lash retention. Without proper cleansing, lashes may not adhere as securely, leading to premature fallout and dissatisfaction with the extensions. Therefore, incorporating lash shampoo into your prep process is crucial for maintaining the integrity and longevity of eyelash extensions.

2. Not Clean Well

When it comes to keeping those lash extensions on point, using the right Eyelash Shampoo is crucial. It’s like laying the groundwork for a solid bond between your natural lashes and the extensions. But here’s the kicker: even if you’ve got the perfect shampoo, if you’re not rinsing properly, you’re setting yourself up for trouble. Technique is everything here. You’ve gotta be gentle and thorough with your cleansing game. Rushing through or not rinsing off all the suds with water or saline solution can seriously mess with your retention game. So, if your lashes are bailing on you, maybe it’s time to double-check your cleaning routine!

3. Putting On The Products The Incorrect Way

How you apply your pre-treatment stuff matters. If you’re not doing it right, it might mess things up. Like, using too much cleanser or primer can be a problem. So, follow the instructions carefully and use the right amount. Let’s break down each product to see if you’re doing it right:

1. Lash Shampoo: Use one pump of foaming lash shampoo with a lash cleaning brush. Gently massage it into the lash line, then rinse with lots of cool or lukewarm water. Dry gently. Leaving shampoo on can mess up your lashes.

2. Protein Removing Pads: Wrap a pad around your finger and gently wipe the lashes, lids, and under the eye. Or, use a microfiber brush to apply for a deeper clean.

Lash cleaning
Use just one drop of cleanser on a small brush. Wipe off any extra liquid before gently applying it to the lashes. Sandwich the natural lashes between two brushes and ensure thorough cleaning at the roots. Avoid using too much or too little cleanser to prevent retention issues and potential irritation. You can use a spatula to control the application process and protect the client’s eyes and skin.

Some brands offer both cleansers and primers, but their uses can differ. Understand the order of use; for example, Sumformi recommends using a cleanser first, then a primer for optimal results.

Lash Primer
Before you start putting on lash extensions, it’s essential to clean the lashes with a special cleanser. But watch out! This stuff can be harsh and dry out your lashes, especially if you put it on the tips or skin. That’s where Primer swoops in to save the day! It hydrates those lashes and gives your glue a smooth surface to stick to. Remember, a little goes a long way, so don’t go overboard with the primer – just a tiny drop on your brush will do the trick.

Retention and Speed Booster

Imagine if your natural lashes could become super magnets for extensions. Well, that’s the idea behind Retention and Speed Booster. It’s like a shortcut that makes your extensions stick faster and better. But here’s the catch – if you’re still getting the hang of putting on lashes, this might not be the best idea. The booster can set the glue too quickly, leaving no room for fixing any wonky lashes. So, if you’re new to this game, maybe hold off on the Booster for now. But once you’re a pro at placement, give it a whirl and watch those lashes work their magic.

4. Putting Your Lash Prep Products In The False Order

It might seem like a small detail, but it’s actually super important! Think about it like this: would you put on your socks before your shoes? Nope! Just like that, each pretreatment product has a specific job, and they work best when used in the right order. So, make sure you’re following the correct sequence to get the most out of each product and ensure your lash extensions stick around longer!
Are you forgetting important steps?

Every part of the pretreatment process is there to get the lashes ready for extensions to stick well. If you skip any steps, like not using a lash cleaner or forgetting to apply primer, you might not get the best results. For instance, if you think, “I’ll just skip using protein pads and cleaner because I already used shampoo,” remember that anything left on the lashes can make extensions not last as long. Even stuff from products like lash shampoo can cause issues, so it’s best not to rely on just that.

Here’s another example: If you don’t use primer but do everything else in prep, the glue will take longer to dry. This can make lashes go in weird directions, and the whole set might not look right. Plus, slow-drying glue can lead to more sticky lashes, which nobody wants!

5. Forgetting Important Steps

Every part of the pretreatment process is there to get the lashes ready for extensions to stick well. If you skip any steps, like not using a lash cleaner or forgetting to apply primer, you might not get the best results. For instance, if you think, “I’ll just skip using protein pads and cleaner because I already used shampoo,” remember that anything left on the lashes can make extensions not last as long. Even stuff from products like lash shampoo can cause issues, so it’s best not to rely on just that.

Here’s another example: If you don’t use primer but do everything else in prep, the glue will take longer to dry. This can make lashes go in weird directions, and the whole set might not look right. Plus, slow-drying glue can lead to more sticky lashes, which nobody wants!

6. Using Old Or Bad Stuff

It’s super important to use good stuff when you’re getting your lashes ready. Using not-so-great lash stuff can mess up how well the glue sticks, and it might even be risky, especially around your eyes. Getting top-notch lash gear from trusted brands means your client’s lashes will stay fabulous for ages!

Oh, and remember to check the dates on your lash stuff. If it’s gone old, it might not work right, and that could mean sad lashes. Keep an eye on those dates and stock up when you need to!

7. Are You Paying Attention To The Condition Of Your Clients Natural Lashes?

Each client is unique, and the condition of their natural lashes and skin type will also play a significant role in the effectiveness of your pretreatment. Clients with particularly oily skin or those who use oil-based skincare products can present a challenge. In these cases, a more thorough cleansing routine may be necessary, so using all of the cleansing steps, particularly Cleanser, to combat this oiliness is a must! As well as if your client has come into the salon with makeup on, you’ll have to spend more time thoroughly cleansing their lashes to ensure that their eyelash extension retention will be on par with the rest of your lash sets.

If your lash prep didn’t work before, we hope we’ve fixed that for you! By knowing and fixing the usual problems with lash prep, you can make your lash extensions last longer and make sure your clients leave happy with gorgeous lashes. Keep getting your clients’ lashes ready, and they’ll keep coming back for more lash fills with amazing results!

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